Achieving $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ Regret in Average-Reward POMDPs with Known Observation Models
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- Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2025 22:29:41 GMT
- Title: Achieving $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ Regret in Average-Reward POMDPs with Known Observation Models
- Authors: Alessio Russo, Alberto Maria Metelli, Marcello Restelli,
- Abstract summary: We tackle average-reward infinite-horizon POMDPs with an unknown transition model.
We present a novel and simple estimator that overcomes this barrier.
- Score: 56.92178753201331
- License:
- Abstract: We tackle average-reward infinite-horizon POMDPs with an unknown transition model but a known observation model, a setting that has been previously addressed in two limiting ways: (i) frequentist methods relying on suboptimal stochastic policies having a minimum probability of choosing each action, and (ii) Bayesian approaches employing the optimal policy class but requiring strong assumptions about the consistency of employed estimators. Our work removes these limitations by proving convenient estimation guarantees for the transition model and introducing an optimistic algorithm that leverages the optimal class of deterministic belief-based policies. We introduce modifications to existing estimation techniques providing theoretical guarantees separately for each estimated action transition matrix. Unlike existing estimation methods that are unable to use samples from different policies, we present a novel and simple estimator that overcomes this barrier. This new data-efficient technique, combined with the proposed \emph{Action-wise OAS-UCRL} algorithm and a tighter theoretical analysis, leads to the first approach enjoying a regret guarantee of order $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T \,\log T})$ when compared against the optimal policy, thus improving over state of the art techniques. Finally, theoretical results are validated through numerical simulations showing the efficacy of our method against baseline methods.
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