Self-distillation with Online Diffusion on Batch Manifolds Improves Deep
Metric Learning
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2022 17:38:07 GMT
- Title: Self-distillation with Online Diffusion on Batch Manifolds Improves Deep
Metric Learning
- Authors: Zelong Zeng, Fan Yang, Hong Liu and Shin'ichi Satoh
- Abstract summary: We propose Online Batch Diffusion-based Self-Distillation (OBD-SD) for DML.
We first propose a simple but effective Progressive Self-Distillation (PSD), which distills the knowledge progressively from the model itself during training.
Then, we extend PSD with an Online Batch Diffusion Process (OBDP), which is to capture the local geometric structure of manifold in each batch.
- Score: 23.974500845619175
- License:
- Abstract: Recent deep metric learning (DML) methods typically leverage solely class
labels to keep positive samples far away from negative ones. However, this type
of method normally ignores the crucial knowledge hidden in the data (e.g.,
intra-class information variation), which is harmful to the generalization of
the trained model. To alleviate this problem, in this paper we propose Online
Batch Diffusion-based Self-Distillation (OBD-SD) for DML. Specifically, we
first propose a simple but effective Progressive Self-Distillation (PSD), which
distills the knowledge progressively from the model itself during training. The
soft distance targets achieved by PSD can present richer relational information
among samples, which is beneficial for the diversity of embedding
representations. Then, we extend PSD with an Online Batch Diffusion Process
(OBDP), which is to capture the local geometric structure of manifolds in each
batch, so that it can reveal the intrinsic relationships among samples in the
batch and produce better soft distance targets. Note that our OBDP is able to
restore the insufficient manifold relationships obtained by the original PSD
and achieve significant performance improvement. Our OBD-SD is a flexible
framework that can be integrated into state-of-the-art (SOTA) DML methods.
Extensive experiments on various benchmarks, namely CUB200, CARS196, and
Stanford Online Products, demonstrate that our OBD-SD consistently improves the
performance of the existing DML methods on multiple datasets with negligible
additional training time, achieving very competitive results. Code:
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