Cosmic decoherence: primordial power spectra and non-Gaussianities
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- Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 20:31:48 GMT
- Title: Cosmic decoherence: primordial power spectra and non-Gaussianities
- Authors: Aoumeur Daddi Hammou, Nicola Bartolo
- Abstract summary: We study the effect of quantum decoherence on the inflationary cosmological perturbations.
This process might imprint specific observational signatures revealing the quantum nature of the inflationary mechanism.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We study the effect of quantum decoherence on the inflationary cosmological
perturbations. This process might imprint specific observational signatures
revealing the quantum nature of the inflationary mechanism being related to the
longstanding issue of the quantum-to-classical transition of inflationary
fluctuations. Several works have investigated the effect of quantum decoherence
on the statistical properties of primordial fluctuations. In particular, it has
been shown that cosmic decoherence leads to corrections to the curvature power
spectrum predicted by standard slow-roll inflation. Equally interesting, a non
zero curvature trispectrum has been shown to be purely induced by cosmic
decoherence, but surprisingly, decoherence seems not to generate any
bispectrum. We further develop such an analysis by adopting a generalized form
of the pointer observable, showing that decoherence does induce a non vanishing
curvature bispectrum and providing a specific underlying concrete physical
process. Present constraints on primordial bispectra allow to put an upper
bound on the strength of the environment-system interaction. In full
generality, the decoherence-induced bispectrum can be scale dependent provided
one imposes the corresponding correction to the power spectrum to be scale
independent. Such scale dependence on the largest cosmological scales might
represent a distinctive imprint of the quantum decoherence process taking place
during inflation. We also provide a criterion that allows to understand when
cosmic decoherence induces scale independent corrections, independently of the
type of environment considered. As a final result, we study the effect of
cosmic decoherence on tensor perturbations and we derive the decoherence
corrected tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio. In specific cases, decoherence
induces a blue tilted correction to the standard tensor power spectrum.
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