Anomaly Detection via Multi-Scale Contrasted Memory
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- Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 16:58:04 GMT
- Title: Anomaly Detection via Multi-Scale Contrasted Memory
- Authors: Loic Jezequel, Ngoc-Son Vu, Jean Beaudet, Aymeric Histace
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new two-stage anomaly detector which memorizes during training multi-scale normal prototypes to compute an anomaly deviation score.
Our model highly improves the state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of object, style and local anomalies with up to 35% error relative improvement on CIFAR-10.
- Score: 3.0170109896527086
- License:
- Abstract: Deep anomaly detection (AD) aims to provide robust and efficient classifiers
for one-class and unbalanced settings. However current AD models still struggle
on edge-case normal samples and are often unable to keep high performance over
different scales of anomalies. Moreover, there currently does not exist a
unified framework efficiently covering both one-class and unbalanced learnings.
In the light of these limitations, we introduce a new two-stage anomaly
detector which memorizes during training multi-scale normal prototypes to
compute an anomaly deviation score. First, we simultaneously learn
representations and memory modules on multiple scales using a novel
memory-augmented contrastive learning. Then, we train an anomaly distance
detector on the spatial deviation maps between prototypes and observations. Our
model highly improves the state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of
object, style and local anomalies with up to 35\% error relative improvement on
CIFAR-10. It is also the first model to keep high performance across the
one-class and unbalanced settings.
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