論文の概要: Joint nnU-Net and Radiomics Approaches for Segmentation and Prognosis of
Head and Neck Cancers with PET/CT images
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.10138v1
- Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 10:31:26 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-11-21 14:44:20.288011
- Title: Joint nnU-Net and Radiomics Approaches for Segmentation and Prognosis of
Head and Neck Cancers with PET/CT images
- Title(参考訳): PET/CT画像を用いた頭頸部癌の分節・予後診断における nnU-Net と Radiomics の併用
- Authors: Hui Xu and Yihao Li and Wei Zhao and Gwenol\'e Quellec and Lijun Lu
and Mathieu Hatt
- Abstract要約: 3D nnU-Netアーキテクチャは原発性腫瘍とリンパ節の自動分節に同期的に採用された。
セグメンテーションと予後タスクの評価指標としてDice scoreとC-indexが用いられた。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 6.361835964390572
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Automatic segmentation of head and neck cancer (HNC) tumors and lymph nodes
plays a crucial role in the optimization treatment strategy and prognosis
analysis. This study aims to employ nnU-Net for automatic segmentation and
radiomics for recurrence-free survival (RFS) prediction using pretreatment
PET/CT images in multi-center HNC cohort. A multi-center HNC dataset with 883
patients (524 patients for training, 359 for testing) was provided in HECKTOR
2022. A bounding box of the extended oropharyngeal region was retrieved for
each patient with fixed size of 224 x 224 x 224 $mm^{3}$. Then 3D nnU-Net
architecture was adopted to automatic segmentation of primary tumor and lymph
nodes synchronously.Based on predicted segmentation, ten conventional features
and 346 standardized radiomics features were extracted for each patient. Three
prognostic models were constructed containing conventional and radiomics
features alone, and their combinations by multivariate CoxPH modelling. The
statistical harmonization method, ComBat, was explored towards reducing
multicenter variations. Dice score and C-index were used as evaluation metrics
for segmentation and prognosis task, respectively. For segmentation task, we
achieved mean dice score around 0.701 for primary tumor and lymph nodes by 3D
nnU-Net. For prognostic task, conventional and radiomics models obtained the
C-index of 0.658 and 0.645 in the test set, respectively, while the combined
model did not improve the prognostic performance with the C-index of 0.648.
- Abstract(参考訳): 頭頸部癌(HNC)腫瘍とリンパ節の自動分節は、最適化治療戦略と予後解析において重要な役割を担っている。
HECKTOR 2022では,883例(トレーニング用524例,テスト用359例)の多施設HNCデータセットが提供された。
224 x 224 x 224 $mm^{3}$。
Dice score と C-index をそれぞれセグメンテーションと予後タスクの評価指標として用いた。
セグメンテーションでは3D nnU-Netによる原発性腫瘍とリンパ節に対する平均ダイススコア0.701。
予後予測には,c-index 0.658 および 0.645 のc-index が,c-index 0.648 ではc-index が改善されなかった。
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