Simultaneously Learning Robust Audio Embeddings and balanced Hash codes
for Query-by-Example
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2022 19:22:44 GMT
- Title: Simultaneously Learning Robust Audio Embeddings and balanced Hash codes
for Query-by-Example
- Authors: Anup Singh, Kris Demuynck, Vipul Arora
- Abstract summary: State-of-the-art systems use deep learning to generate compact audio fingerprints.
These systems deploy indexing methods, which quantize fingerprints to hash codes in an unsupervised manner to expedite the search.
We propose a self-supervised learning framework to compute fingerprints and balanced hash codes in an end-to-end manner.
- Score: 8.585546027122808
- License:
- Abstract: Audio fingerprinting systems must efficiently and robustly identify query
snippets in an extensive database. To this end, state-of-the-art systems use
deep learning to generate compact audio fingerprints. These systems deploy
indexing methods, which quantize fingerprints to hash codes in an unsupervised
manner to expedite the search. However, these methods generate imbalanced hash
codes, leading to their suboptimal performance. Therefore, we propose a
self-supervised learning framework to compute fingerprints and balanced hash
codes in an end-to-end manner to achieve both fast and accurate retrieval
performance. We model hash codes as a balanced clustering process, which we
regard as an instance of the optimal transport problem. Experimental results
indicate that the proposed approach improves retrieval efficiency while
preserving high accuracy, particularly at high distortion levels, compared to
the competing methods. Moreover, our system is efficient and scalable in
computational load and memory storage.
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