A Unified Framework for Contrastive Learning from a Perspective of
Affinity Matrix
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.14516v1
- Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2022 08:55:30 GMT
- Title: A Unified Framework for Contrastive Learning from a Perspective of
Affinity Matrix
- Authors: Wenbin Li, Meihao Kong, Xuesong Yang, Lei Wang, Jing Huo, Yang Gao,
Jiebo Luo
- Abstract summary: We present a new unified contrastive learning representation framework (named UniCLR) suitable for all the above four kinds of methods.
Three variants, i.e., SimAffinity, SimWhitening and SimTrace, are presented based on UniCLR.
In addition, a simple symmetric loss, as a new consistency regularization term, is proposed based on this framework.
- Score: 80.2675125037624
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In recent years, a variety of contrastive learning based unsupervised visual
representation learning methods have been designed and achieved great success
in many visual tasks. Generally, these methods can be roughly classified into
four categories: (1) standard contrastive methods with an InfoNCE like loss,
such as MoCo and SimCLR; (2) non-contrastive methods with only positive pairs,
such as BYOL and SimSiam; (3) whitening regularization based methods, such as
W-MSE and VICReg; and (4) consistency regularization based methods, such as
CO2. In this study, we present a new unified contrastive learning
representation framework (named UniCLR) suitable for all the above four kinds
of methods from a novel perspective of basic affinity matrix. Moreover, three
variants, i.e., SimAffinity, SimWhitening and SimTrace, are presented based on
UniCLR. In addition, a simple symmetric loss, as a new consistency
regularization term, is proposed based on this framework. By symmetrizing the
affinity matrix, we can effectively accelerate the convergence of the training
process. Extensive experiments have been conducted to show that (1) the
proposed UniCLR framework can achieve superior results on par with and even be
better than the state of the art, (2) the proposed symmetric loss can
significantly accelerate the convergence of models, and (3) SimTrace can avoid
the mode collapse problem by maximizing the trace of a whitened affinity matrix
without relying on asymmetry designs or stop-gradients.
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