Vortex-ring quantum droplets in a radially-periodic potential
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.05838v1
- Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 11:55:46 GMT
- Title: Vortex-ring quantum droplets in a radially-periodic potential
- Authors: Bin Liu, Yi xi Chen, Ao wei Yang, Xiao yan Cai, Yan Liu, Zhi huan Luo,
Xi zhou Qin, Xun da Jiang, Yong yao Li, and Boris A. Malomed
- Abstract summary: vortex ring-shaped quantum droplets (QDs) formed by binary Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) are studied.
Results suggest an experimentally relevant method for the creation of vortical QDs.
Results may be used to design a device employing coexisting ring-shaped modes for data storage.
- Score: 8.432409732051674
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We establish stability and characteristics of two-dimensional (2D) vortex
ring-shaped quantum droplets (QDs) formed by binary Bose-Einstein condensates
(BECs). The system is modeled by the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation with the
cubic term multiplied by a logarithmic factor (as produced by the
Lee-Huang-Yang correction to the mean-field theory) and a potential which is a
periodic function of the radial coordinate. Narrow vortex rings with high
values of the topological charge, trapped in particular circular troughs of the
radial potential, are produced. These results suggest an experimentally
relevant method for the creation of vortical QDs (thus far, only zero-vorticity
ones have been reported). The 2D GP equation for the narrow rings is
approximately reduced to the 1D form, which makes it possible to study the
modulational stability of the rings against azimuthal perturbations. Full
stability areas are delineated for these modes. The trapping capacity of the
circular troughs is identified for the vortex rings with different winding
numbers (WNs). Stable compound states in the form of mutually nested concentric
multiple rings are constructed too, including ones with opposite signs of the
WNs. Other robust compound states combine a modulationally stable narrow ring
in one circular potential trough and an azimuthal soliton performing orbital
motion in an adjacent one. The results may be used to design a device employing
coexisting ring-shaped modes with different WNs for data storage.
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