論文の概要: A CAD System for Colorectal Cancer from WSI: A Clinically Validated
Interpretable ML-based Prototype
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.02608v1
- Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2023 17:10:32 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-01-10 00:08:07.151468
- Title: A CAD System for Colorectal Cancer from WSI: A Clinically Validated
Interpretable ML-based Prototype
- Title(参考訳): WSIから得られた大腸癌のCADシステム:臨床検査による解釈可能なMLベースのプロトタイプ
- Authors: Pedro C. Neto, Diana Montezuma, Sara P. Oliveira, Domingos Oliveira,
Jo\~ao Fraga, Ana Monteiro, Jo\~ao Monteiro, Liliana Ribeiro, Sofia
Gon\c{c}alves, Stefan Reinhard, Inti Zlobec, Isabel M. Pinto, Jaime S.
- Abstract要約: 大腸サンプルの診断に特化して設計されたシステムを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 1.8646772701330314
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Pathology has
been increasing over the past years. Nowadays, applications of deep learning
(DL) methods to diagnose cancer from whole-slide images (WSI) are, more than
ever, a reality within different research groups. Nonetheless, the development
of these systems was limited by a myriad of constraints regarding the lack of
training samples, the scaling difficulties, the opaqueness of DL methods, and,
more importantly, the lack of clinical validation. As such, we propose a system
designed specifically for the diagnosis of colorectal samples. The construction
of such a system consisted of four stages: (1) a careful data collection and
annotation process, which resulted in one of the largest WSI colorectal samples
datasets; (2) the design of an interpretable mixed-supervision scheme to
leverage the domain knowledge introduced by pathologists through spatial
annotations; (3) the development of an effective sampling approach based on the
expected severeness of each tile, which decreased the computation cost by a
factor of almost 6x; (4) the creation of a prototype that integrates the full
set of features of the model to be evaluated in clinical practice. During these
stages, the proposed method was evaluated in four separate test sets, two of
them are external and completely independent. On the largest of those sets, the
proposed approach achieved an accuracy of 93.44%. DL for colorectal samples is
a few steps closer to stop being research exclusive and to become fully
integrated in clinical practice.
- Abstract(参考訳): 人工知能(AI)とデジタル病理学の統合は、ここ数年で増加している。
The construction of such a system consisted of four stages: (1) a careful data collection and annotation process, which resulted in one of the largest WSI colorectal samples datasets; (2) the design of an interpretable mixed-supervision scheme to leverage the domain knowledge introduced by pathologists through spatial annotations; (3) the development of an effective sampling approach based on the expected severeness of each tile, which decreased the computation cost by a factor of almost 6x; (4) the creation of a prototype that integrates the full set of features of the model to be evaluated in clinical practice.
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