Analog de Sitter universe in quantum Hall systems with an expanding edge
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- Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 00:39:39 GMT
- Title: Analog de Sitter universe in quantum Hall systems with an expanding edge
- Authors: Yasusada Nambu and Masahiro Hotta
- Abstract summary: Expanding edges in quantum Hall systems can become a simulator of quantum 1+1 dimensional expanding universes.
We investigate Hawking radiation and entanglement behavior predicted by this model.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Expanding edges in quantum Hall systems can become a simulator of quantum 1+1
dimensional expanding universes. In these systems, edge exciations are
represented as a chiral scalar field in curved spacetimes. We investigate
Hawking radiation and entanglement behavior predicted by this model assuming
that the expansion law of the edge region corresponds to a de Sitter universe.
As observable quantities for the quantum field, local spatial modes associated
with detection regions are introduced using window functions for the field, and
their correlations are evaluated. We found impact of Hawking radiation caused
by the edge expansion on auto-correlation functions of the local modes, and
confirmed that entanglement death due to Hawking radiation occurs. This
behavior of entanglement is related to ``quantum to classical transition" in
cosmic inflations.
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