Maximum Mean Discrepancy Kernels for Predictive and Prognostic Modeling
of Whole Slide Images
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 18:47:41 GMT
- Title: Maximum Mean Discrepancy Kernels for Predictive and Prognostic Modeling
of Whole Slide Images
- Authors: Piotr Keller, Muhammad Dawood, Fayyaz ul Amir Afsar Minhas
- Abstract summary: In computational pathology, Whole Slide Images (WSIs) of digitally scanned tissue samples from patients can be multi-gigapixels in size.
We explore a novel strategy based on kernel Maximumized Mean Discrepancy (MMD) analysis for determination of pairwise similarity between WSIs.
We believe that this work will open up further avenues for application of WSI-level kernels for predictive and prognostic tasks in computational pathology.
- Score: 1.418033127602866
- License:
- Abstract: How similar are two images? In computational pathology, where Whole Slide
Images (WSIs) of digitally scanned tissue samples from patients can be
multi-gigapixels in size, determination of degree of similarity between two
WSIs is a challenging task with a number of practical applications. In this
work, we explore a novel strategy based on kernelized Maximum Mean Discrepancy
(MMD) analysis for determination of pairwise similarity between WSIs. The
proposed approach works by calculating MMD between two WSIs using kernels over
deep features of image patches. This allows representation of an entire dataset
of WSIs as a kernel matrix for WSI level clustering, weakly-supervised
prediction of TP-53 mutation status in breast cancer patients from their
routine WSIs as well as survival analysis with state of the art prediction
performance. We believe that this work will open up further avenues for
application of WSI-level kernels for predictive and prognostic tasks in
computational pathology.
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