Dynamic properties and the roton mode attenuation in the liquid 3He: an
ab initio study within the self-consistent method of moments
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.10103v1
- Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 16:16:08 GMT
- Title: Dynamic properties and the roton mode attenuation in the liquid 3He: an
ab initio study within the self-consistent method of moments
- Authors: A.V. Filinov, J. Ara and I.M. Tkachenko
- Abstract summary: The density-numbers structure factor and the eigenmodes of density fluctuations in the uniform liquid $3$He are studied using a novel non-perturbative approach.
The ab initio path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations provide crucial information on the system static properties.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The density-density dynamic structure factor and the eigenmodes of density
fluctuations in the uniform liquid $^3$He are studied using a novel
non-perturbative approach. The introduced self-consistent method of moments
invokes up to nine sum rules and other exact relations involving the spectral
density, the two-parameter Shannon information entropy maximization procedure,
and the ab initio path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations which provide
crucial input information on the system static properties. Detailed analysis of
the dispersion relations of collective excitations, the modes' decrements and
the static structure factor (SSF) of $^3$He at the saturated vapor pressure is
performed. The results are compared to available experimental data~[1,2]. Our
theory predicts a clear signature of the roton-like feature in the
particle-hole segment of the excitation spectrum with a significant reduction
of the roton decrement in the range of wavenumbers $1.3$ A$^{-1}$ $\leq q\leq
2.2$ A$^{-1}$. The observed roton mode remains a well defined collective
excitation even in the particle-hole band, where, however, it is strongly
damped. Hence, the existence of the roton-like mode in the bulk liquid $^3$He
is confirmed like in other strongly interacting quantum fluids~[3]. The phonon
branch of the spectrum is also studied with a reasonable agreement with the
same experimental data being achieved.
The presented combined approach permits to produce ab initio data on the
system dynamic characteristics in a wide range of physical parameters and for
other physical systems.
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