論文の概要: Exact Fractional Inference via Re-Parametrization & Interpolation between Tree-Re-Weighted- and Belief Propagation- Algorithms
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.10369v4
- Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 10:35:25 GMT
- ステータス: 翻訳完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-11-14 19:24:48.175882
- Title: Exact Fractional Inference via Re-Parametrization & Interpolation between Tree-Re-Weighted- and Belief Propagation- Algorithms
- Title(参考訳): 再パラメータ化と補間による厳密なフラクショナル推論 : 木重重みと信念の伝播-アルゴリズム
- Authors: Hamidreza Behjoo, Michael Chertkov,
- Abstract要約: 積として$Z$を表現する方法を示す: Z=Z(lambda)tilde Z(lambda)$ ここで乗法補正である$tilde Z(lambda)$はノードに依存しない確率分布に対する期待値である。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.4527270266697462
- License:
- Abstract: Computing the partition function, $Z$, of an Ising model over a graph of $N$ \enquote{spins} is most likely exponential in $N$. Efficient variational methods, such as Belief Propagation (BP) and Tree Re-Weighted (TRW) algorithms, compute $Z$ approximately by minimizing the respective (BP- or TRW-) free energy. We generalize the variational scheme by building a $\lambda$-fractional interpolation, $Z^{(\lambda)}$, where $\lambda=0$ and $\lambda=1$ correspond to TRW- and BP-approximations, respectively. This fractional scheme -- coined Fractional Belief Propagation (FBP) -- guarantees that in the attractive (ferromagnetic) case $Z^{(TRW)} \geq Z^{(\lambda)} \geq Z^{(BP)}$, and there exists a unique (\enquote{exact}) $\lambda_*$ such that $Z=Z^{(\lambda_*)}$. Generalizing the re-parametrization approach of \citep{wainwright_tree-based_2002} and the loop series approach of \citep{chertkov_loop_2006}, we show how to express $Z$ as a product, $\forall \lambda:\ Z=Z^{(\lambda)}{\tilde Z}^{(\lambda)}$, where the multiplicative correction, ${\tilde Z}^{(\lambda)}$, is an expectation over a node-independent probability distribution built from node-wise fractional marginals. Our theoretical analysis is complemented by extensive experiments with models from Ising ensembles over planar and random graphs of medium and large sizes. Our empirical study yields a number of interesting observations, such as the ability to estimate ${\tilde Z}^{(\lambda)}$ with $O(N^{2::4})$ fractional samples and suppression of variation in $\lambda_*$ estimates with an increase in $N$ for instances from a particular random Ising ensemble, where $[2::4]$ indicates a range from $2$ to $4$. We also discuss the applicability of this approach to the problem of image de-noising.
- Abstract(参考訳): 分割関数を計算し、$N$ \enquote{spins} のグラフ上のイジングモデルの$Z$は、おそらく$N$の指数関数である。
Belief Propagation (BP) や Tree Re-Weighted (TRW) アルゴリズムのような効率的な変分法は、各 (BP- または TRW-) 自由エネルギーを最小化することによって、およそ$Z$を計算する。
我々は,$\lambda$-fractional interpolation, $Z^{(\lambda)}$, $\lambda=0$と$\lambda=1$をそれぞれTRW-およびBP-approximationsに対応付けることで,変分スキームを一般化する。
この分数的スキームは、FBP(Fractional Belief Propagation)と呼ばれ、魅力的な(強磁性)ケース$Z^{(TRW)} \geq Z^{(\lambda)} \geq Z^{(BP)}$であり、Z=Z^{(\lambda_*)}$のようなユニークな(\enquote{exact})$\lambda_*$が存在することを保証している。
フロフp{wainwright_tree-based_2002} の再パラメトリゼーションアプローチと \citep{chertkov_loop_2006} のループ級数アプローチを一般化し、積として $Z$ を $\forall \lambda:\ Z=Z^{(\lambda)}{\tilde Z}^{(\lambda)}$ で表現する方法を示す。
例えば${\tilde Z}^{(\lambda)}$ with $O(N^{2::4})$ fractional sample and suppress of variation in $\lambda_*$ estimates with a increase of $N$ for instance from a particular random Ising ensemble, where $[2::4]$ indicate a range to $2$ to $4$。
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