Internally Rewarded Reinforcement Learning
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- Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 19:43:02 GMT
- Title: Internally Rewarded Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Mengdi Li, Xufeng Zhao, Jae Hee Lee, Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter
- Abstract summary: We study a class of reinforcement learning problems where the reward signals for policy learning are generated by an internal reward model.
We show that the proposed reward function can consistently stabilize the training process by reducing the impact of reward noise.
- Score: 22.01249652558878
- License:
- Abstract: We study a class of reinforcement learning problems where the reward signals
for policy learning are generated by an internal reward model that is dependent
on and jointly optimized with the policy. This interdependence between the
policy and the reward model leads to an unstable learning process because
reward signals from an immature reward model are noisy and impede policy
learning, and conversely, an under-optimized policy impedes reward estimation
learning. We call this learning setting $\textit{Internally Rewarded
Reinforcement Learning}$ (IRRL) as the reward is not provided directly by the
environment but $\textit{internally}$ by a reward model. In this paper, we
formally formulate IRRL and present a class of problems that belong to IRRL. We
theoretically derive and empirically analyze the effect of the reward function
in IRRL and based on these analyses propose the clipped linear reward function.
Experimental results show that the proposed reward function can consistently
stabilize the training process by reducing the impact of reward noise, which
leads to faster convergence and higher performance compared with baselines in
diverse tasks.
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