論文の概要: Deep Learning (DL)-based Automatic Segmentation of the Internal Pudendal
Artery (IPA) for Reduction of Erectile Dysfunction in Definitive Radiotherapy
of Localized Prostate Cancer
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.01493v1
- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2023 02:00:06 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-06 17:50:14.330201
- Title: Deep Learning (DL)-based Automatic Segmentation of the Internal Pudendal
Artery (IPA) for Reduction of Erectile Dysfunction in Definitive Radiotherapy
of Localized Prostate Cancer
- Title(参考訳): 限局性前立腺癌に対する根治的放射線治療における勃起障害軽減のための深層学習(dl)による内性十二指腸動脈(ipa)の自動分節化
- Authors: Anjali Balagopal, Michael Dohopolski, Young Suk Kwon, Steven Montalvo,
Howard Morgan, Ti Bai, Dan Nguyen, Xiao Liang, Xinran Zhong, Mu-Han Lin, Neil
Desai, Steve Jiang
- Abstract要約: 深層学習に基づくIPAのための自己分離モデルを提案する。
提案モデルでは, セグメンテーションの均一性を向上させるため, 高品質なIPA輪郭が得られた。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 2.3547204612718393
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Background and purpose: Radiation-induced erectile dysfunction (RiED) is
commonly seen in prostate cancer patients. Clinical trials have been developed
in multiple institutions to investigate whether dose-sparing to the
internal-pudendal-arteries (IPA) will improve retention of sexual potency. The
IPA is usually not considered a conventional organ-at-risk (OAR) due to
segmentation difficulty. In this work, we propose a deep learning (DL)-based
auto-segmentation model for the IPA that utilizes CT and MRI or CT alone as the
input image modality to accommodate variation in clinical practice. Materials
and methods: 86 patients with CT and MRI images and noisy IPA labels were
recruited in this study. We split the data into 42/14/30 for model training,
testing, and a clinical observer study, respectively. There were three major
innovations in this model: 1) we designed an architecture with
squeeze-and-excite blocks and modality attention for effective feature
extraction and production of accurate segmentation, 2) a novel loss function
was used for training the model effectively with noisy labels, and 3) modality
dropout strategy was used for making the model capable of segmentation in the
absence of MRI. Results: The DSC, ASD, and HD95 values for the test dataset
were 62.2%, 2.54mm, and 7mm, respectively. AI segmented contours were
dosimetrically equivalent to the expert physician's contours. The observer
study showed that expert physicians' scored AI contours (mean=3.7) higher than
inexperienced physicians' contours (mean=3.1). When inexperienced physicians
started with AI contours, the score improved to 3.7. Conclusion: The proposed
model achieved good quality IPA contours to improve uniformity of segmentation
and to facilitate introduction of standardized IPA segmentation into clinical
trials and practice.
- Abstract(参考訳): 背景と目的:放射線誘発勃起障害(ried)は前立腺癌患者によく見られる。
モデルは, モデルトレーニング, テスト, 臨床観察者を対象に, 42/14/30に分割した。
1) 効率的な特徴抽出と正確なセグメンテーションを実現するために, 押出ブロックとモダリティアテンションを備えたアーキテクチャを設計した。
2) ノイズラベルで効果的にモデルを訓練するために, 新規な損失関数を用いた。
結果: テストデータセットのDSC, ASD, HD95値は62.2%, 2.54mm, 7mmであった。
結論: 提案モデルでは, セグメンテーションの均一性を向上し, 臨床試験や実践に標準化されたIPAセグメンテーションの導入を促進するため, 高品質なIPAコントラストが得られた。
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