Many-body enhancement in a spin-chain quantum heat engine
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- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2023 08:05:50 GMT
- Title: Many-body enhancement in a spin-chain quantum heat engine
- Authors: L. A. Williamson and Matthew J. Davis
- Abstract summary: We show that ferromagnetic interactions can enhance the adiabatic performance of a quantum spin chain engine at low temperatures.
The enhancement in work output is particular pronounced, increasing exponentially with interaction strength.
We identify an approximate, experimentally realisable counterdiabatic drive that can mitigate friction for weak interactions.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We show that ferromagnetic interactions can enhance the adiabatic performance
of a quantum spin chain engine at low temperatures. The enhancement in work
output is particular pronounced, increasing exponentially with interaction
strength. The performance enhancement occurs in the paramagnetic phase and is
qualitatively explained by considering just the ground and first excited state,
in which case the system exhibits bipartite entanglement. As the temperature is
increased, thermal occupation of higher energy levels diminishes performance.
We find that these thermal fluctuations are smallest for long-range
interactions, resulting in the highest efficiency. Diabatic work extraction
degrades performance due to quantum friction. We identify an approximate,
experimentally realisable counterdiabatic drive that can mitigate friction for
weak interactions.
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