Leveraging Contaminated Datasets to Learn Clean-Data Distribution with
Purified Generative Adversarial Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.01722v1
- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2023 13:18:52 GMT
- Title: Leveraging Contaminated Datasets to Learn Clean-Data Distribution with
Purified Generative Adversarial Networks
- Authors: Bowen Tian, Qinliang Su, Jianxing Yu
- Abstract summary: Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are known for their abilities on capturing the underlying distribution of training instances.
Existing GANs are almost established on the assumption that the training dataset is clean.
In many real-world applications, this may not hold, that is, the training dataset may be contaminated by a proportion of undesired instances.
Two purified generative adversarial networks (PuriGAN) are developed, in which the discriminators are augmented with the capability to distinguish between target and contaminated instances.
- Score: 15.932410447038697
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are known for their strong abilities
on capturing the underlying distribution of training instances. Since the
seminal work of GAN, many variants of GAN have been proposed. However, existing
GANs are almost established on the assumption that the training dataset is
clean. But in many real-world applications, this may not hold, that is, the
training dataset may be contaminated by a proportion of undesired instances.
When training on such datasets, existing GANs will learn a mixture distribution
of desired and contaminated instances, rather than the desired distribution of
desired data only (target distribution). To learn the target distribution from
contaminated datasets, two purified generative adversarial networks (PuriGAN)
are developed, in which the discriminators are augmented with the capability to
distinguish between target and contaminated instances by leveraging an extra
dataset solely composed of contamination instances. We prove that under some
mild conditions, the proposed PuriGANs are guaranteed to converge to the
distribution of desired instances. Experimental results on several datasets
demonstrate that the proposed PuriGANs are able to generate much better images
from the desired distribution than comparable baselines when trained on
contaminated datasets. In addition, we also demonstrate the usefulness of
PuriGAN on downstream applications by applying it to the tasks of
semi-supervised anomaly detection on contaminated datasets and PU-learning.
Experimental results show that PuriGAN is able to deliver the best performance
over comparable baselines on both tasks.
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