Gauge-invariant absorption of light from a coherent superposition of
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- Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 16:03:44 GMT
- Title: Gauge-invariant absorption of light from a coherent superposition of
- Authors: Axel Stenquist and Felipe Zapata and Jan Marcus Dahlstr\"om
- Abstract summary: Transient absorption theory is motivated using the energy operator from Yang's gauge theory.
The interaction, which simultaneously couples both bound and continuum states, is simulated by solving the time dependent Schr"odinger equation for hydrogen and neon atoms.
It is found that non-resonant transitions are the source of asymmetry in energy and phase, while resonant transitions to the continuum contribute symmetrically to absorption of light from coherent superpositions of states.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Absorption and emission of light is studied theoretically for excited atoms
in coherent superposition of states subjected to isolated attosecond pulses in
the extreme ultraviolet range. A gauge invariant formulation of transient
absorption theory is motivated using the energy operator from Yang's gauge
theory. The interaction, which simultaneously couples both bound and continuum
states, is simulated by solving the time dependent Schr\"odinger equation for
hydrogen and neon atoms. A strong dependence on the angular momentum and the
relative phase of the states in the superposition is observed. Perturbation
theory is used to disentangle the fundamental absorption processes and a rule
is established to interpret the complex absorption behaviour. It is found that
non-resonant transitions are the source of asymmetry in energy and phase, while
resonant transitions to the continuum contribute symmetrically to absorption of
light from coherent superpositions of states.
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