Decoherence due to Spacetime Curvature
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- Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 15:27:33 GMT
- Title: Decoherence due to Spacetime Curvature
- Authors: Raghvendra Singh, Kabir Khanna, Dawood Kothawala
- Abstract summary: gravitational time dilation is believed to decohere superpositions of center of mass of composite quantum systems.
Since true effects of gravity are encoded in the curvature of spacetime, the universality of such decoherence must be characterized.
We analyze the effects of self-gravity and show that the coupling of gravitational interaction with external curvature can not be captured.
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- Abstract: There has been considerable interest over the past years in investigating the
role of gravity in quantum phenomenon such as entanglement and decoherence. In
particular, gravitational time dilation is believed to decohere superpositions
of center of mass of composite quantum systems. Since true effects of gravity
are encoded in the curvature of spacetime, the universality of such decoherence
must be characterized through components of Riemann tensor $R_{abcd}$, with a
clear separation from non-inertial kinematic effects. We obtain the reduced
density matrix of a composite system in a generic curved spacetime and express
the decoherence time scale explicitly in terms of curvature. The decoherence in
an inertial frame is caused by tidal acceleration. We also analyze the effects
of self-gravity and show that the coupling of gravitational interaction with
external curvature can not be captured by the replacement $m \to m + H_{\rm
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