Sparse, Geometric Autoencoder Models of V1
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- Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 06:07:20 GMT
- Title: Sparse, Geometric Autoencoder Models of V1
- Authors: Jonathan Huml, Abiy Tasissa, Demba Ba
- Abstract summary: We propose an autoencoder architecture whose latent representations are implicitly, locally organized for spectral clustering.
We show that the autoencoder objective function maintains core ideas of the sparse coding framework, yet also offers a promising path to describe the differentiation of receptive fields.
- Score: 2.491226380993217
- License:
- Abstract: The classical sparse coding model represents visual stimuli as a linear
combination of a handful of learned basis functions that are Gabor-like when
trained on natural image data. However, the Gabor-like filters learned by
classical sparse coding far overpredict well-tuned simple cell receptive field
(SCRF) profiles. A number of subsequent models have either discarded the sparse
dictionary learning framework entirely or have yet to take advantage of the
surge in unrolled, neural dictionary learning architectures. A key missing
theme of these updates is a stronger notion of \emph{structured sparsity}. We
propose an autoencoder architecture whose latent representations are
implicitly, locally organized for spectral clustering, which begets artificial
neurons better matched to observed primate data. The weighted-$\ell_1$ (WL)
constraint in the autoencoder objective function maintains core ideas of the
sparse coding framework, yet also offers a promising path to describe the
differentiation of receptive fields in terms of a discriminative hierarchy in
future work.
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