論文の概要: Beyond Moments: Robustly Learning Affine Transformations with
Asymptotically Optimal Error
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.12289v1
- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 19:13:30 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-27 15:38:34.361596
- Title: Beyond Moments: Robustly Learning Affine Transformations with
Asymptotically Optimal Error
- Title(参考訳): Beyond Moments: 漸近的に最適なエラーでアフィン変換をロバストに学習する
- Authors: He Jia, Pravesh K . Kothari, Santosh S. Vempala
- Abstract要約: サンプルから標準ハイパーキューブの未知アフィン変換を学習するためのリアルタイムアルゴリズムを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 8.615625517708324
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We present a polynomial-time algorithm for robustly learning an unknown
affine transformation of the standard hypercube from samples, an important and
well-studied setting for independent component analysis (ICA). Specifically,
given an $\epsilon$-corrupted sample from a distribution $D$ obtained by
applying an unknown affine transformation $x \rightarrow Ax+s$ to the uniform
distribution on a $d$-dimensional hypercube $[-1,1]^d$, our algorithm
constructs $\hat{A}, \hat{s}$ such that the total variation distance of the
distribution $\hat{D}$ from $D$ is $O(\epsilon)$ using poly$(d)$ time and
samples. Total variation distance is the information-theoretically strongest
possible notion of distance in our setting and our recovery guarantees in this
distance are optimal up to the absolute constant factor multiplying $\epsilon$.
In particular, if the columns of $A$ are normalized to be unit length, our
total variation distance guarantee implies a bound on the sum of the $\ell_2$
distances between the column vectors of $A$ and $A'$, $\sum_{i =1}^d
\|a_i-\hat{a}_i\|_2 = O(\epsilon)$. In contrast, the strongest known prior
results only yield a $\epsilon^{O(1)}$ (relative) bound on the distance between
individual $a_i$'s and their estimates and translate into an $O(d\epsilon)$
bound on the total variation distance. Our key innovation is a new approach to
ICA (even to outlier-free ICA) that circumvents the difficulties in the
classical method of moments and instead relies on a new geometric certificate
of correctness of an affine transformation. Our algorithm is based on a new
method that iteratively improves an estimate of the unknown affine
transformation whenever the requirements of the certificate are not met.
- Abstract(参考訳): 本稿では,標準ハイパーキューブの未知のアフィン変換をロバストに学習するための多項式時間アルゴリズムを提案する。
具体的には、未知のアフィン変換 $x \rightarrow Ax+s$ を $d$-dimensional hypercube $[-1,1]^d$ 上の一様分布に適用して得た分布 $D$ から得られた$\epsilon$ のサンプルを与えられた場合、我々のアルゴリズムは、分布の総変動距離が$D$ から$D$ までの$\hat{D}$ がpoly$(d)$時間とサンプルを用いて$O(\epsilon)$ となるように$\hat{A}, \hat{s}$ を構築する。
特に、$a$ の列が単位長に正規化されている場合、全変動距離保証は、$a$ と $a'$、$\sum_{i =1}^d \|a_i-\hat{a}_i\|_2 = o(\epsilon)$ の列ベクトル間の$\ell_2$ 距離の和の境界を意味する。
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