Best-of-Three-Worlds Linear Bandit Algorithm with Variance-Adaptive
Regret Bounds
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- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 00:02:24 GMT
- Title: Best-of-Three-Worlds Linear Bandit Algorithm with Variance-Adaptive
Regret Bounds
- Authors: Shinji Ito, Kei Takemura
- Abstract summary: The paper proposes a linear bandit algorithm that is adaptive to environments at two different levels of hierarchy.
At the higher level, the proposed algorithm adapts to a variety of types of environments.
The proposed algorithm has data-dependent regret bounds that depend on all of the cumulative loss for the optimal action.
- Score: 27.92755687977196
- License:
- Abstract: This paper proposes a linear bandit algorithm that is adaptive to
environments at two different levels of hierarchy. At the higher level, the
proposed algorithm adapts to a variety of types of environments. More
precisely, it achieves best-of-three-worlds regret bounds, i.e., of
${O}(\sqrt{T \log T})$ for adversarial environments and of $O(\frac{\log
T}{\Delta_{\min}} + \sqrt{\frac{C \log T}{\Delta_{\min}}})$ for stochastic
environments with adversarial corruptions, where $T$, $\Delta_{\min}$, and $C$
denote, respectively, the time horizon, the minimum sub-optimality gap, and the
total amount of the corruption. Note that polynomial factors in the
dimensionality are omitted here. At the lower level, in each of the adversarial
and stochastic regimes, the proposed algorithm adapts to certain environmental
characteristics, thereby performing better. The proposed algorithm has
data-dependent regret bounds that depend on all of the cumulative loss for the
optimal action, the total quadratic variation, and the path-length of the loss
vector sequence. In addition, for stochastic environments, the proposed
algorithm has a variance-adaptive regret bound of $O(\frac{\sigma^2 \log
T}{\Delta_{\min}})$ as well, where $\sigma^2$ denotes the maximum variance of
the feedback loss. The proposed algorithm is based on the SCRiBLe algorithm. By
incorporating into this a new technique we call scaled-up sampling, we obtain
high-level adaptability, and by incorporating the technique of optimistic
online learning, we obtain low-level adaptability.
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