Stochastic Gradient Descent under Markovian Sampling Schemes
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- Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2023 12:28:23 GMT
- Title: Stochastic Gradient Descent under Markovian Sampling Schemes
- Authors: Mathieu Even
- Abstract summary: We study a variation of vanilla gradient descent where the only has access to a Markovian sampling scheme.
We focus on obtaining rates of convergence under the least restrictive assumptions possible on the underlying Markov chain.
- Score: 3.04585143845864
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- Abstract: We study a variation of vanilla stochastic gradient descent where the
optimizer only has access to a Markovian sampling scheme. These schemes
encompass applications that range from decentralized optimization with a random
walker (token algorithms), to RL and online system identification problems. We
focus on obtaining rates of convergence under the least restrictive assumptions
possible on the underlying Markov chain and on the functions optimized. We
first unveil the theoretical lower bound for methods that sample stochastic
gradients along the path of a Markov chain, making appear a dependency in the
hitting time of the underlying Markov chain. We then study Markov chain SGD
(MC-SGD) under much milder regularity assumptions than prior works (e.g., no
bounded gradients or domain, and infinite state spaces). We finally introduce
MC-SAG, an alternative to MC-SGD with variance reduction, that only depends on
the hitting time of the Markov chain, therefore obtaining a
communication-efficient token algorithm.
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