Convergence Rates for Localized Actor-Critic in Networked Markov
Potential Games
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- Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2023 23:39:34 GMT
- Title: Convergence Rates for Localized Actor-Critic in Networked Markov
Potential Games
- Authors: Zhaoyi Zhou, Zaiwei Chen, Yiheng Lin, and Adam Wierman
- Abstract summary: We introduce a class of networked Markov potential games in which agents are associated with nodes in a network.
Each agent has its own local potential function, and the reward of each agent depends only on the states and actions of the agents within a neighborhood.
This is the first finite-sample bound for multi-agent competitive games that does not depend on the number of agents.
- Score: 12.704529528199062
- License:
- Abstract: We introduce a class of networked Markov potential games in which agents are
associated with nodes in a network. Each agent has its own local potential
function, and the reward of each agent depends only on the states and actions
of the agents within a neighborhood. In this context, we propose a localized
actor-critic algorithm. The algorithm is scalable since each agent uses only
local information and does not need access to the global state. Further, the
algorithm overcomes the curse of dimensionality through the use of function
approximation. Our main results provide finite-sample guarantees up to a
localization error and a function approximation error. Specifically, we achieve
an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\tilde{\epsilon}^{-4})$ sample complexity measured by
the averaged Nash regret. This is the first finite-sample bound for multi-agent
competitive games that does not depend on the number of agents.
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