Recovering the original simplicity: succinct and deterministic quantum
algorithm for the welded tree problem
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 05:10:43 GMT
- Title: Recovering the original simplicity: succinct and deterministic quantum
algorithm for the welded tree problem
- Authors: Guanzhong Li and Lvzhou Li and Jingquan Luo
- Abstract summary: This work revisits quantum algorithms for the well-known welded tree problem.
It proposes a very succinct quantum algorithm based on the simplest coined quantum walks.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: This work revisits quantum algorithms for the well-known welded tree problem,
proposing a very succinct quantum algorithm based on the simplest coined
quantum walks. It simply iterates the naturally defined coined quantum walk
operator for a predetermined time and finally measure, where the predetermined
time can be efficiently computed on classical computers. Then, the algorithm
returns the correct answer deterministically, and achieves exponential speedups
over any classical algorithm. The significance of the results may be seen as
follows. (i) Our algorithm is rather simple compared with the one in (Jeffery
and Zur, STOC'2023), which not only breaks the stereotype that coined quantum
walks can only achieve quadratic speedups over classical algorithms, but also
demonstrates the power of the simplest quantum walk model. (ii) Our algorithm
theoretically achieves zero-error, which is not possible with existing methods.
Thus, it becomes one of the few examples that exhibit exponential separation
between deterministic (exact) quantum and randomized query complexities, which
may also change people's perception that since quantum mechanics is inherently
probabilistic, it impossible to have a deterministic quantum algorithm with
exponential speedups for the weled tree problem.
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