Causal Effect Estimation with Variational AutoEncoder and the Front Door
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- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 10:04:28 GMT
- Title: Causal Effect Estimation with Variational AutoEncoder and the Front Door
- Authors: Ziqi Xu, Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li, Jixue Liu, Lin Liu, Kui Yu
- Abstract summary: The front-door criterion is often difficult to identify the set of variables used for front-door adjustment from data.
By leveraging the ability of deep generative models in representation learning, we propose FDVAE to learn the representation of a Front-Door adjustment set with a Variational AutoEncoder.
- Score: 23.20371860838245
- License:
- Abstract: An essential problem in causal inference is estimating causal effects from
observational data. The problem becomes more challenging with the presence of
unobserved confounders. When there are unobserved confounders, the commonly
used back-door adjustment is not applicable. Although the instrumental variable
(IV) methods can deal with unobserved confounders, they all assume that the
treatment directly affects the outcome, and there is no mediator between the
treatment and the outcome. This paper aims to use the front-door criterion to
address the challenging problem with the presence of unobserved confounders and
mediators. In practice, it is often difficult to identify the set of variables
used for front-door adjustment from data. By leveraging the ability of deep
generative models in representation learning, we propose FDVAE to learn the
representation of a Front-Door adjustment set with a Variational AutoEncoder,
instead of trying to search for a set of variables for front-door adjustment.
Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets validate the effectiveness of FDVAE
and its superiority over existing methods. The experiments also show that the
performance of FDVAE is not sensitive to the causal strength of unobserved
confounders and is feasible in the case of dimensionality mismatch between
learned representations and the ground truth. We further apply the method to
three real-world datasets to demonstrate its potential applications.
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