Sample Efficient Model-free Reinforcement Learning from LTL
Specifications with Optimality Guarantees
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 3 May 2023 12:47:09 GMT
- Title: Sample Efficient Model-free Reinforcement Learning from LTL
Specifications with Optimality Guarantees
- Authors: Daqian Shao and Marta Kwiatkowska
- Abstract summary: We present a model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach that efficiently learns an optimal policy for an unknown system.
We also provide improved theoretical results on choosing the key parameters to ensure optimality.
- Score: 17.69385864791265
- License:
- Abstract: Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is widely used to specify high-level objectives
for system policies, and it is highly desirable for autonomous systems to learn
the optimal policy with respect to such specifications. However, learning the
optimal policy from LTL specifications is not trivial. We present a model-free
Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach that efficiently learns an optimal policy
for an unknown stochastic system, modelled using Markov Decision Processes
(MDPs). We propose a novel and more general product MDP, reward structure and
discounting mechanism that, when applied in conjunction with off-the-shelf
model-free RL algorithms, efficiently learn the optimal policy that maximizes
the probability of satisfying a given LTL specification with optimality
guarantees. We also provide improved theoretical results on choosing the key
parameters in RL to ensure optimality. To directly evaluate the learned policy,
we adopt probabilistic model checker PRISM to compute the probability of the
policy satisfying such specifications. Several experiments on various tabular
MDP environments across different LTL tasks demonstrate the improved sample
efficiency and optimal policy convergence.
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