Quantifying quantum chaos through microcanonical distributions of
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11940v1
- Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 18:00:05 GMT
- Title: Quantifying quantum chaos through microcanonical distributions of
- Authors: Joaquin F. Rodriguez-Nieva, Cheryne Jonay, and Vedika Khemani
- Abstract summary: A characteristic feature of "quantum chaotic" systems is that their eigenspectra and eigenstates display universal statistical properties described by random matrix theory (RMT)
We introduce a quantitative metric for quantum chaos which utilizes the Kullback-Leibler divergence to compare the microcanonical distribution of entanglement entropy (EE) of midspectrum eigenstates with a reference RMT distribution generated by pure random states (with appropriate constraints)
We study this metric in local minimally structured Floquet random circuits, as well as a canonical family of many-body Hamiltonians, the mixed field Ising model (MFIM
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A characteristic feature of "quantum chaotic" systems is that their
eigenspectra and eigenstates display universal statistical properties described
by random matrix theory (RMT). However, eigenstates of local systems also
encode structure beyond RMT. To capture this, we introduce a quantitative
metric for quantum chaos which utilizes the Kullback-Leibler divergence to
compare the microcanonical distribution of entanglement entropy (EE) of
midspectrum eigenstates with a reference RMT distribution generated by pure
random states (with appropriate constraints). The metric compares not just the
averages of the distributions, but also higher moments. The differences in
moments are compared on a highly-resolved scale set by the standard deviation
of the RMT distribution, which is exponentially small in system size. This
distinguishes between chaotic and integrable behavior, and also quantifies the
degree of chaos in systems assumed to be chaotic. We study this metric in local
minimally structured Floquet random circuits, as well as a canonical family of
many-body Hamiltonians, the mixed field Ising model (MFIM). For Hamiltonian
systems, the reference random distribution must be constrained to incorporate
the effect of energy conservation. The metric captures deviations from RMT
across all models and parameters, including those that have been previously
identified as strongly chaotic, and for which other diagnostics of chaos such
as level spacing statistics look strongly thermal. In Floquet circuits, the
dominant source of deviations is the second moment of the distribution, and
this persists for all system sizes. For the MFIM, we find significant variation
of the KL divergence in parameter space. Notably, we find a small region where
deviations from RMT are minimized, suggesting that "maximally chaotic"
Hamiltonians may exist in fine-tuned pockets of parameter space.
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