Optimal Sensing Protocol for Statistically Polarized Nano-NMR with NV
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14881v2
- Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 14:33:14 GMT
- Title: Optimal Sensing Protocol for Statistically Polarized Nano-NMR with NV
- Authors: Nicolas Staudenmaier, Anjusha Vijayakumar-Sreeja, Genko Genov, Daniel
Cohen, Christoph Findler, Johannes Lang, Alex Retzker, Fedor Jelezko,
Santiago Oviedo-Casado
- Abstract summary: We show that phase sensitive protocols are superior in most experimental scenarios.
We present the most accurate statistically polarized nano-NMR Qdyne detection experiments to date.
- Score: 4.866254682673853
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Diffusion noise represents a major constraint to successful liquid state
nano-NMR spectroscopy. Using the Fisher information as a faithful measure, we
theoretically calculate and experimentally show that phase sensitive protocols
are superior in most experimental scenarios, as they maximize information
extraction from correlations in the sample. We derive the optimal experimental
parameters for quantum heterodyne detection (Qdyne) and present the most
accurate statistically polarized nano-NMR Qdyne detection experiments to date,
leading the way to resolve chemical shifts and $J$ couplings at the nanoscale.
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