Unbiased Compression Saves Communication in Distributed Optimization:
When and How Much?
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.16297v3
- Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 18:55:27 GMT
- Title: Unbiased Compression Saves Communication in Distributed Optimization:
When and How Much?
- Authors: Yutong He, Xinmeng Huang, Kun Yuan
- Abstract summary: Communication compression can alleviate communication overhead by transmitting compressed gradients and model parameters.
It is unclear whether communication compression reduces the total communication cost.
We show that using independent unbiased compression can reduce the total communication cost by a factor of up to $Theta(sqrtminn, kappa)$ when all local smoothness constants are constrained.
- Score: 22.701976655513043
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Communication compression is a common technique in distributed optimization
that can alleviate communication overhead by transmitting compressed gradients
and model parameters. However, compression can introduce information
distortion, which slows down convergence and incurs more communication rounds
to achieve desired solutions. Given the trade-off between lower per-round
communication costs and additional rounds of communication, it is unclear
whether communication compression reduces the total communication cost.
This paper explores the conditions under which unbiased compression, a widely
used form of compression, can reduce the total communication cost, as well as
the extent to which it can do so. To this end, we present the first theoretical
formulation for characterizing the total communication cost in distributed
optimization with communication compression. We demonstrate that unbiased
compression alone does not necessarily save the total communication cost, but
this outcome can be achieved if the compressors used by all workers are further
assumed independent. We establish lower bounds on the communication rounds
required by algorithms using independent unbiased compressors to minimize
smooth convex functions and show that these lower bounds are tight by refining
the analysis for ADIANA. Our results reveal that using independent unbiased
compression can reduce the total communication cost by a factor of up to
$\Theta(\sqrt{\min\{n, \kappa\}})$ when all local smoothness constants are
constrained by a common upper bound, where $n$ is the number of workers and
$\kappa$ is the condition number of the functions being minimized. These
theoretical findings are supported by experimental results.
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