Mid-circuit operations using the omg-architecture in neutral atom arrays
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.19266v2
- Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 19:47:27 GMT
- Title: Mid-circuit operations using the omg-architecture in neutral atom arrays
- Authors: Joanna W. Lis, Aruku Senoo, William F. McGrew, Felix R\"onchen, Alec
Jenkins, Adam M. Kaufman
- Abstract summary: We implement mid-circuit operations in a 48-site array of neutral atoms.
New methods for control of the $textitomg$ architecture present in $171$Yb are presented.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We implement mid-circuit operations in a 48-site array of neutral atoms,
enabled by new methods for control of the $\textit{omg}$
(optical-metastable-ground state qubit) architecture present in ${}^{171}$Yb.
We demonstrate laser-based control of ground, metastable and optical qubits
with average single-qubit fidelities of $F_{g} = 99.968(3)$, $F_{m} = 99.12(4)$
and $F_{o} = 99.804(8)$. With state-sensitive shelving between the ground and
metastable states, we realize a non-destructive state-detection for $^{171}$Yb,
and reinitialize in the ground state with either global control or local
feed-forward operations. We use local addressing of the optical clock
transition to perform mid-circuit operations, including measurement, spin
reset, and motional reset in the form of ground-state cooling. In
characterizing mid-circuit measurement on ground-state qubits, we observe raw
errors of $1.8(6)\%$ on ancilla qubits and $4.5(1.0)\%$ on data qubits, with
the former (latter) uncorrected for $1.0(2)\%$ ($2.0(2)\%$) preparation and
measurement error; we observe similar performance for mid-circuit reset
operations. The reported realization of the $\textit{omg}$ architecture and
mid-circuit operations are door-opening for many tasks in quantum information
science, including quantum error-correction, entanglement generation, and
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