Theory of exciton-polariton condensation in gap-confined eigenmodes
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- Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2023 07:41:24 GMT
- Title: Theory of exciton-polariton condensation in gap-confined eigenmodes
- Authors: Davide Nigro and Dario Gerace
- Abstract summary: Exciton-polaritons are bosonic-like elementary excitations in semiconductors.
polariton condensation can also occur in gap-confined bright modes.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Exciton-polaritons are bosonic-like elementary excitations in semiconductors,
which have been recently shown to display large occupancy of topologically
protected polariton bound states in the continuum in suitably engineered
photonic lattices [Nature {\bf 605}, 447 (2022)], compatible with the
definition of polariton condensation. However, a full theoretical description
of such condensation mechanism that is based on a non equilibrium
Gross-Pitaevskii formulation is still missing. Given that the latter is well
known to account for polariton condensation in conventional semiconductor
microcavities, here we report on its multi-mode generalization, showing that it
allows to fully interpret the recent experimental findings in patterned
photonic lattices, including emission characteristics and condensation
thresholds. Beyond that, it is shown that the polariton condensation in these
systems is actually the result of an interplay between negative mass
confinement of polariton eigenstates (e.g., due to the photonic gap originated
from the periodic pattern in plane) and polariton losses. We are then able to
show that polariton condensation can also occur in gap-confined bright modes,
i.e., coupling of QW excitons to a dark photonic mode is not necessarily
required to achieve a macroscopic occupation with low population threshold.
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