Note on quantum cellular automata and strong equivalence
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- Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2023 18:26:38 GMT
- Title: Note on quantum cellular automata and strong equivalence
- Authors: Carolyn Zhang
- Abstract summary: We present some results on the classification of quantum cellular automata (QCA) in 1D under strong equivalence rather than stable equivalence.
We show that QCA with $mathbbZ$ symmetry under strong equivalence, for a given on-site representation, are classified by $mathbbZpq$ where $p$ is the number of prime factors of the on-site space dimension.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this note, we present some results on the classification of quantum
cellular automata (QCA) in 1D under strong equivalence rather than stable
equivalence. Under strong equivalence, we only allow adding ancillas carrying
the original on-site representation of the symmetry, while under stable
equivalence, we allow adding ancillas carrying any representation of the
symmetry. The former may be more realistic, because in physical systems
especially in AMO/quantum computing contexts, we would not expect additional
spins carrying arbitrary representations of the symmetry to be present.
Ref.~\onlinecite{mpu} proposed two kinds of symmetry-protected indices (SPIs)
for QCA with discrete symmetries under strong equivalence. In this note, we
show that the more refined of these SPIs still only has a one-to-one
correspondence to equivalence classes of $\mathbb{Z}_N$ symmetric QCA when $N$
is prime. We show a counter-example for $N=4$. We show that QCA with
$\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry under strong equivalence, for a given on-site
representation, are classified by $\mathbb{Z}^{pq}$ where $p$ is the number of
prime factors of the on-site Hilbert space dimension and $q$ is the number of
prime factors of the trace of the nontrivial on-site $\mathbb{Z}_2$ element.
Finally, we show that the GNVW index has a formulation in terms of a
$\mathbb{Z}_2$ SPI in a doubled system, and we provide a direct connection
between the SPI formulation of the GNVW index and a second Renyi version of the
mutual information formula for the GNVW index.
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