End-to-end Differentiable Clustering with Associative Memories
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03209v1
- Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2023 19:34:36 GMT
- Title: End-to-end Differentiable Clustering with Associative Memories
- Authors: Bishwajit Saha, Dmitry Krotov, Mohammed J. Zaki, Parikshit Ram
- Abstract summary: Clustering is a widely used unsupervised learning technique involving an intensive discrete optimization problem.
We propose a novel unconstrained continuous relaxation of the discrete clustering problem, enabling end-to-end differentiable clustering with AM, dubbed ClAM.
Our evaluations on varied datasets demonstrate that ClAM benefits from the self-supervision, and significantly improves upon both the traditional Lloyd's k-means algorithm, and more recent continuous clustering relaxations (by upto 60% in terms of the Silhouette Coefficient)
- Score: 23.618514621460694
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Clustering is a widely used unsupervised learning technique involving an
intensive discrete optimization problem. Associative Memory models or AMs are
differentiable neural networks defining a recursive dynamical system, which
have been integrated with various deep learning architectures. We uncover a
novel connection between the AM dynamics and the inherent discrete assignment
necessary in clustering to propose a novel unconstrained continuous relaxation
of the discrete clustering problem, enabling end-to-end differentiable
clustering with AM, dubbed ClAM. Leveraging the pattern completion ability of
AMs, we further develop a novel self-supervised clustering loss. Our
evaluations on varied datasets demonstrate that ClAM benefits from the
self-supervision, and significantly improves upon both the traditional Lloyd's
k-means algorithm, and more recent continuous clustering relaxations (by upto
60% in terms of the Silhouette Coefficient).
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