DiViNeT: 3D Reconstruction from Disparate Views via Neural Template
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.04699v4
- Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 19:30:20 GMT
- Title: DiViNeT: 3D Reconstruction from Disparate Views via Neural Template
- Authors: Aditya Vora, Akshay Gadi Patil, Hao Zhang
- Abstract summary: We present a volume rendering-based neural surface reconstruction method that takes as few as three disparate RGB images as input.
Our key idea is to regularize the reconstruction, which is severely ill-posed and leaving significant gaps between the sparse views.
Our approach achieves the best reconstruction quality among existing methods in the presence of such sparse views.
- Score: 7.488962492863031
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We present a volume rendering-based neural surface reconstruction method that
takes as few as three disparate RGB images as input. Our key idea is to
regularize the reconstruction, which is severely ill-posed and leaving
significant gaps between the sparse views, by learning a set of neural
templates to act as surface priors. Our method, coined DiViNet, operates in two
stages. It first learns the templates, in the form of 3D Gaussian functions,
across different scenes, without 3D supervision. In the reconstruction stage,
our predicted templates serve as anchors to help "stitch'' the surfaces over
sparse regions. We demonstrate that our approach is not only able to complete
the surface geometry but also reconstructs surface details to a reasonable
extent from a few disparate input views. On the DTU and BlendedMVS datasets,
our approach achieves the best reconstruction quality among existing methods in
the presence of such sparse views and performs on par, if not better, with
competing methods when dense views are employed as inputs.
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