Fock State Sampling Method -- Characteristic temperature of maximal
fluctuations for interacting bosons in box potentials
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- Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 14:45:48 GMT
- Title: Fock State Sampling Method -- Characteristic temperature of maximal
fluctuations for interacting bosons in box potentials
- Authors: M. B. Kruk, T. Vibel, J. Arlt, P. Kulik, K. Paw{\l}owski, K.
- Abstract summary: We study the statistical properties of a gas of interacting bosons trapped in a box potential in two and three dimensions.
Our primary focus is the characteristic temperature $tchar$, i.e. the temperature at which the fluctuations of the number of condensed atoms is maximal.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We study the statistical properties of a gas of interacting bosons trapped in
a box potential in two and three dimensions. Our primary focus is the
characteristic temperature $\tchar$, i.e. the temperature at which the
fluctuations of the number of condensed atoms (or, in 2D, the number of
motionless atoms) is maximal. Using the Fock State Sampling method, we show
that $\tchar$ increases due to interaction. In 3D, this temperature converges
to the critical temperature in the thermodynamic limit. In 2D we show the
general applicability of the method by obtaining a generalized dependence of
the characteristic temperature on the interaction strength. Finally, we discuss
the experimental conditions necessary for the verification of our theoretical
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