The Sample Complexity of Multi-Distribution Learning for VC Classes
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- Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2023 18:02:53 GMT
- Title: The Sample Complexity of Multi-Distribution Learning for VC Classes
- Authors: Pranjal Awasthi, Nika Haghtalab, Eric Zhao
- Abstract summary: Multi-distribution learning is a generalization of PAC learning to settings with multiple data distributions.
There remains a significant gap between the known upper and lower bounds for PAC-learnable classes.
We discuss recent progress on this problem and some hurdles that are fundamental to the use of game dynamics in statistical learning.
- Score: 25.73730126599202
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- Abstract: Multi-distribution learning is a natural generalization of PAC learning to
settings with multiple data distributions. There remains a significant gap
between the known upper and lower bounds for PAC-learnable classes. In
particular, though we understand the sample complexity of learning a VC
dimension d class on $k$ distributions to be $O(\epsilon^{-2} \ln(k)(d + k) +
\min\{\epsilon^{-1} dk, \epsilon^{-4} \ln(k) d\})$, the best lower bound is
$\Omega(\epsilon^{-2}(d + k \ln(k)))$. We discuss recent progress on this
problem and some hurdles that are fundamental to the use of game dynamics in
statistical learning.
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