論文の概要: An objective validation of polyp and instrument segmentation methods in
colonoscopy through Medico 2020 polyp segmentation and MedAI 2021
transparency challenges
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.16262v2
- Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 09:29:35 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-09-12 19:06:59.959805
- Title: An objective validation of polyp and instrument segmentation methods in
colonoscopy through Medico 2020 polyp segmentation and MedAI 2021
transparency challenges
- Title(参考訳): medico 2020 polyp segmentationとmedai 2021 transparency challengeによる大腸内視鏡におけるポリープおよびインスツルメンテーション法の客観的検証
- Authors: Debesh Jha, Vanshali Sharma, Debapriya Banik, Debayan Bhattacharya,
Kaushiki Roy, Steven A. Hicks, Nikhil Kumar Tomar, Vajira Thambawita, Adrian
Krenzer, Ge-Peng Ji, Sahadev Poudel, George Batchkala, Saruar Alam,
Awadelrahman M. A. Ahmed, Quoc-Huy Trinh, Zeshan Khan, Tien-Phat Nguyen,
Shruti Shrestha, Sabari Nathan, Jeonghwan Gwak, Ritika K. Jha, Zheyuan Zhang,
Alexander Schlaefer, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, M.K. Bhuyan, Pradip K. Das,
Deng-Ping Fan, Sravanthi Parsa, Sharib Ali, Michael A. Riegler, P{\aa}l
Halvorsen, Thomas De Lange, Ulas Bagci
- Abstract要約: メディコオートマチックポリープセグメンテーション(Medico 2020)と「メディコ:医療画像の透明性(MedAI 2021)」コンペティション。
本報告では, それぞれのコントリビューションを包括的に分析し, ベストパフォーマンスメソッドの強さを強調し, クリニックへの臨床翻訳の可能性について考察する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 58.402720481042365
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Automatic analysis of colonoscopy images has been an active field of research
motivated by the importance of early detection of precancerous polyps. However,
detecting polyps during the live examination can be challenging due to various
factors such as variation of skills and experience among the endoscopists, lack
of attentiveness, and fatigue leading to a high polyp miss-rate. Deep learning
has emerged as a promising solution to this challenge as it can assist
endoscopists in detecting and classifying overlooked polyps and abnormalities
in real time. In addition to the algorithm's accuracy, transparency and
interpretability are crucial to explaining the whys and hows of the algorithm's
prediction. Further, most algorithms are developed in private data, closed
source, or proprietary software, and methods lack reproducibility. Therefore,
to promote the development of efficient and transparent methods, we have
organized the "Medico automatic polyp segmentation (Medico 2020)" and "MedAI:
Transparency in Medical Image Segmentation (MedAI 2021)" competitions. We
present a comprehensive summary and analyze each contribution, highlight the
strength of the best-performing methods, and discuss the possibility of
clinical translations of such methods into the clinic. For the transparency
task, a multi-disciplinary team, including expert gastroenterologists, accessed
each submission and evaluated the team based on open-source practices, failure
case analysis, ablation studies, usability and understandability of evaluations
to gain a deeper understanding of the models' credibility for clinical
deployment. Through the comprehensive analysis of the challenge, we not only
highlight the advancements in polyp and surgical instrument segmentation but
also encourage qualitative evaluation for building more transparent and
understandable AI-based colonoscopy systems.
- Abstract(参考訳): 大腸内視鏡画像の自動解析は先天性ポリープの早期検出の重要性を動機とする研究の活発な分野である。
しかし, 生検におけるポリープ検出は, 内科医のスキルや経験の変化, 注意力の欠如, 疲労など多彩な要因により, 高いポリープミス率につながる可能性がある。
そこで我々は, 効率的で透明な方法の開発を促進するために, 「メディコオートマチック・ポリープ・セグメンテーション(Medico 2020)」と「メディコ:医療画像セグメンテーション(MedAI 2021)」のコンペティションを組織した。
本報告では, それぞれのコントリビューションを包括的に分析し, ベストパフォーマンスメソッドの強さを強調し, クリニックへの臨床翻訳の可能性について考察する。
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