KS-APR: Keyframe Selection for Robust Absolute Pose Regression
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.05459v2
- Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 22:11:48 GMT
- Title: KS-APR: Keyframe Selection for Robust Absolute Pose Regression
- Authors: Changkun Liu, Yukun Zhao, Tristan Braud,
- Abstract summary: Markerless Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) aims to anchor digital content in the physical world without using specific 2D or 3D objects.
End-to-end machine learning solutions infer the device's pose from a single monocular image.
APR methods tend to yield significant inaccuracies for input images that are too distant from the training set.
This paper introduces KS-APR, a pipeline that assesses the reliability of an estimated pose with minimal overhead.
- Score: 2.541264438930729
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Markerless Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) aims to anchor digital content in the physical world without using specific 2D or 3D objects. Absolute Pose Regressors (APR) are end-to-end machine learning solutions that infer the device's pose from a single monocular image. Thanks to their low computation cost, they can be directly executed on the constrained hardware of mobile AR devices. However, APR methods tend to yield significant inaccuracies for input images that are too distant from the training set. This paper introduces KS-APR, a pipeline that assesses the reliability of an estimated pose with minimal overhead by combining the inference results of the APR and the prior images in the training set. Mobile AR systems tend to rely upon visual-inertial odometry to track the relative pose of the device during the experience. As such, KS-APR favours reliability over frequency, discarding unreliable poses. This pipeline can integrate most existing APR methods to improve accuracy by filtering unreliable images with their pose estimates. We implement the pipeline on three types of APR models on indoor and outdoor datasets. The median error on position and orientation is reduced for all models, and the proportion of large errors is minimized across datasets. Our method enables state-of-the-art APRs such as DFNetdm to outperform single-image and sequential APR methods. These results demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of KS-APR for visual localization tasks that do not require one-shot decisions.
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