Benchmarking Visual-Inertial Deep Multimodal Fusion for Relative Pose
Regression and Odometry-aided Absolute Pose Regression
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2023 08:36:02 GMT
- Title: Benchmarking Visual-Inertial Deep Multimodal Fusion for Relative Pose
Regression and Odometry-aided Absolute Pose Regression
- Authors: Felix Ott and Nisha Lakshmana Raichur and David R\"ugamer and Tobias
Feigl and Heiko Neumann and Bernd Bischl and Christopher Mutschler
- Abstract summary: Visual-inertial localization is a key problem in computer vision and robotics applications such as virtual reality, self-driving cars, and aerial vehicles.
In this work, we conduct a benchmark to evaluate deep multimodal fusion based on pose graph optimization and attention networks.
We show improvements for the APR-RPR task and for the RPR-RPR task for aerial vehicles and handheld devices.
- Score: 6.557612703872671
- License:
- Abstract: Visual-inertial localization is a key problem in computer vision and robotics
applications such as virtual reality, self-driving cars, and aerial vehicles.
The goal is to estimate an accurate pose of an object when either the
environment or the dynamics are known. Absolute pose regression (APR)
techniques directly regress the absolute pose from an image input in a known
scene using convolutional and spatio-temporal networks. Odometry methods
perform relative pose regression (RPR) that predicts the relative pose from a
known object dynamic (visual or inertial inputs). The localization task can be
improved by retrieving information from both data sources for a cross-modal
setup, which is a challenging problem due to contradictory tasks. In this work,
we conduct a benchmark to evaluate deep multimodal fusion based on pose graph
optimization and attention networks. Auxiliary and Bayesian learning are
utilized for the APR task. We show accuracy improvements for the APR-RPR task
and for the RPR-RPR task for aerial vehicles and hand-held devices. We conduct
experiments on the EuRoC MAV and PennCOSYVIO datasets and record and evaluate a
novel industry dataset.
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