Physics inspired quantum simulation of resonating valence bond states --
a prototypical template for a spin-liquid ground state
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- Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 19:34:47 GMT
- Title: Physics inspired quantum simulation of resonating valence bond states --
a prototypical template for a spin-liquid ground state
- Authors: Manas Sajjan, Rishabh Gupta, Sumit Suresh Kale, Vinit Singh, Keerthi
Kumaran, and Sabre Kais
- Abstract summary: We study a prototypical model -- a spin-$frac12$-unit cell of a Kagome anti-ferromagnet.
We employ robust classical numerical techniques to identify the nature of the ground state.
We demonstrate that the said ansatz is capable of accurately representing the target ground state even on a real IBMQ backend.
- Score: 1.7563879056963012
- License:
- Abstract: Spin-liquids -- an emergent, exotic collective phase of matter -- have
garnered enormous attention in recent years. While experimentally, many
prospective candidates have been proposed and realized, theoretically modeling
real materials that display such behavior may pose serious challenges due to
the inherently high correlation content of emergent phases. Over the last few
decades, the second-quantum revolution has been the harbinger of a novel
computational paradigm capable of initiating a foundational evolution in
computational physics. In this report, we strive to use the power of the latter
to study a prototypical model -- a spin-$\frac{1}{2}$-unit cell of a Kagome
anti-ferromagnet. Extended lattices of such unit cells are known to possess a
magnetically disordered spin-liquid ground state. We employ robust classical
numerical techniques like Density-Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) to
identify the nature of the ground state through a matrix-product state (MPS)
formulation. We subsequently use the gained insight to construct an auxillary
hamiltonian with reduced measurables and also design an ansatz that is modular
and gate efficient. With robust error-mitigation strategies, we are able to
demonstrate that the said ansatz is capable of accurately representing the
target ground state even on a real IBMQ backend within $1\%$ accuracy in
energy. Since the protocol is linearly scaling $O(n)$ in the number of unit
cells, gate requirements, and the number of measurements, it is
straightforwardly extendable to larger Kagome lattices which can pave the way
for efficient construction of spin-liquid ground states on a quantum device.
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