Quantum theory of wave mixing on a two-level system
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.01444v1
- Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 08:52:00 GMT
- Title: Quantum theory of wave mixing on a two-level system
- Authors: A. A. Elistratov, S. V. Remizov, W. V. Pogosov, A. Yu. Dmitriev, and
O. V. Astafiev
- Abstract summary: We apply the scattering matrix formalism to wave mixing on a quantum two-level system.
We show that the spectrum observed in the experiment is the result of bosonic stimulated scattering of photons from one mode of the bichromatic drive to another and vice versa.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We apply the scattering matrix formalism to wave mixing on a quantum
two-level system. We carry out the fermionization of the two-level system
degrees of freedom using the Popov-Fedotov semions, calculate n-particle
Green's function, and apply the Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermannn reduction
procedure. Using the developed approach, we provide a consistent quantum
explanation of the appearance of coherent side peaks observed in an experiment
on the scattering of bichromatic radiation on a two-level artificial atom
\cite{dmitriev2019probing}. We show that the spectrum observed in the
experiment is the result of bosonic stimulated scattering of photons from one
mode of the bichromatic drive to another and vice versa.
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