Metastable Kitaev Spin Liquids in Isotropic Quantum Heisenberg Magnets
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- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 17:56:26 GMT
- Title: Metastable Kitaev Spin Liquids in Isotropic Quantum Heisenberg Magnets
- Authors: Ganapathy Baskaran
- Abstract summary: We study unfrustrated isotropic spin-half Heisenberg models in honeycomb lattice.
We find emergence of textitmetastable Kitaev spin liquids having a 2-spin nematic long range order.
It is likely that small Kitaev interactions present in Jackeli-Khaliullin-Kitaev materials, with dominant Heisenberg couplings, bring in metastable Kitaev spin liquid features in real experiments.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Metastable states with surprising properties abound in Hilbert space. We
study unfrustrated isotropic spin-\half Heisenberg models in honeycomb lattice
and find emergence of \textit{metastable Kitaev spin liquids having a 2-spin
nematic long range order}, via spontaneous symmetry breaking. Decomposition of
isotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian $H^H$ into an exact sum of 3 noncommuting
(permuted) Kitaev Hamiltonians, $H^H$ = $H^{K}_{\rm xyz}+H^{K}_{\rm
yzx}+H^{K}_{\rm zxy},$ helps us build a degenerate \textit{manifold of flux
free metastable Kitaev spin liquid vacua} and vector Fermionic (Goldstone like)
collective modes. We introduce a method, \textit{symmetric decomposition of
Hamiltonians}, which might help craft \textit{designer metalstable phases}. It
is likely that small Kitaev interactions present in Jackeli-Khaliullin-Kitaev
materials, with dominant Heisenberg couplings, bring in metastable Kitaev spin
liquid features in real experiments. Present work opens possibilities of
performing quantum computation and other tasks, using exotic quasiparticles and
exotic metastable states, present in nonexotic real systems.
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