A Unified View on Neural Message Passing with Opinion Dynamics for
Social Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.01272v2
- Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2023 11:42:18 GMT
- Title: A Unified View on Neural Message Passing with Opinion Dynamics for
Social Networks
- Authors: Outongyi Lv, Bingxin Zhou, Jing Wang, Xiang Xiao, Weishu Zhao, Lirong
- Abstract summary: This research harmonizes concepts from sociometry and neural message passing to analyze and infer the behavior of dynamic systems.
We propose ODNet, a novel message passing scheme incorporating bounded confidence, to refine the influence weight of local nodes for message propagation.
We show that ODNet enhances prediction performance across various graph types and alleviates oversmoothing issues.
- Score: 4.0201694410781235
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Social networks represent a common form of interconnected data frequently
depicted as graphs within the domain of deep learning-based inference. These
communities inherently form dynamic systems, achieving stability through
continuous internal communications and opinion exchanges among social actors
along their social ties. In contrast, neural message passing in deep learning
provides a clear and intuitive mathematical framework for understanding
information propagation and aggregation among connected nodes in graphs. Node
representations are dynamically updated by considering both the connectivity
and status of neighboring nodes. This research harmonizes concepts from
sociometry and neural message passing to analyze and infer the behavior of
dynamic systems. Drawing inspiration from opinion dynamics in sociology, we
propose ODNet, a novel message passing scheme incorporating bounded confidence,
to refine the influence weight of local nodes for message propagation. We
adjust the similarity cutoffs of bounded confidence and influence weights of
ODNet and define opinion exchange rules that align with the characteristics of
social network graphs. We show that ODNet enhances prediction performance
across various graph types and alleviates oversmoothing issues. Furthermore,
our approach surpasses conventional baselines in graph representation learning
and proves its practical significance in analyzing real-world co-occurrence
networks of metabolic genes. Remarkably, our method simplifies complex social
network graphs solely by leveraging knowledge of interaction frequencies among
entities within the system. It accurately identifies internal communities and
the roles of genes in different metabolic pathways, including opinion leaders,
bridge communicators, and isolators.
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