Improved Analysis of Sparse Linear Regression in Local Differential
Privacy Model
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- Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 10:34:52 GMT
- Title: Improved Analysis of Sparse Linear Regression in Local Differential
Privacy Model
- Authors: Liyang Zhu, Meng Ding, Vaneet Aggarwal, Jinhui Xu, Di Wang
- Abstract summary: We revisit the problem of sparse linear regression in the local differential privacy (LDP) model.
We propose an innovative NLDP algorithm, the very first of its kind for the problem.
Our findings reveal fundamental differences between the non-private case, central DP model, and local DP model in the sparse linear regression problem.
- Score: 38.66115499136791
- License:
- Abstract: In this paper, we revisit the problem of sparse linear regression in the
local differential privacy (LDP) model. Existing research in the
non-interactive and sequentially local models has focused on obtaining the
lower bounds for the case where the underlying parameter is $1$-sparse, and
extending such bounds to the more general $k$-sparse case has proven to be
challenging. Moreover, it is unclear whether efficient non-interactive LDP
(NLDP) algorithms exist. To address these issues, we first consider the problem
in the $\epsilon$ non-interactive LDP model and provide a lower bound of
$\Omega(\frac{\sqrt{dk\log d}}{\sqrt{n}\epsilon})$ on the $\ell_2$-norm
estimation error for sub-Gaussian data, where $n$ is the sample size and $d$ is
the dimension of the space. We propose an innovative NLDP algorithm, the very
first of its kind for the problem. As a remarkable outcome, this algorithm also
yields a novel and highly efficient estimator as a valuable by-product. Our
algorithm achieves an upper bound of
$\tilde{O}({\frac{d\sqrt{k}}{\sqrt{n}\epsilon}})$ for the estimation error when
the data is sub-Gaussian, which can be further improved by a factor of
$O(\sqrt{d})$ if the server has additional public but unlabeled data. For the
sequentially interactive LDP model, we show a similar lower bound of
$\Omega({\frac{\sqrt{dk}}{\sqrt{n}\epsilon}})$. As for the upper bound, we
rectify a previous method and show that it is possible to achieve a bound of
$\tilde{O}(\frac{k\sqrt{d}}{\sqrt{n}\epsilon})$. Our findings reveal
fundamental differences between the non-private case, central DP model, and
local DP model in the sparse linear regression problem.
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