Analyzing the contribution of different passively collected data to
predict Stress and Depression
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 15:57:22 GMT
- Title: Analyzing the contribution of different passively collected data to
predict Stress and Depression
- Authors: Irene Bonafonte, Cristina Bustos, Abraham Larrazolo, Gilberto Lorenzo
Martinez Luna, Adolfo Guzman Arenas, Xavier Baro, Isaac Tourgeman, Mercedes
Balcells and Agata Lapedriza
- Abstract summary: We analyze the contribution of different passively collected sensor data types to predict daily selfreport stress and PHQ-9 depression score.
Our results show that WiFi features (which encode mobility patterns) and Phone Log features (which encode information correlated with sleep patterns) provide significative information for stress and depression prediction.
- Score: 1.7638111859993633
- License:
- Abstract: The possibility of recognizing diverse aspects of human behavior and
environmental context from passively captured data motivates its use for mental
health assessment. In this paper, we analyze the contribution of different
passively collected sensor data types (WiFi, GPS, Social interaction, Phone
Log, Physical Activity, Audio, and Academic features) to predict daily
selfreport stress and PHQ-9 depression score. First, we compute 125 mid-level
features from the original raw data. These 125 features include groups of
features from the different sensor data types. Then, we evaluate the
contribution of each feature type by comparing the performance of Neural
Network models trained with all features against Neural Network models trained
with specific feature groups. Our results show that WiFi features (which encode
mobility patterns) and Phone Log features (which encode information correlated
with sleep patterns), provide significative information for stress and
depression prediction.
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