Refined Coreset Selection: Towards Minimal Coreset Size under Model
Performance Constraints
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- Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 14:31:40 GMT
- Title: Refined Coreset Selection: Towards Minimal Coreset Size under Model
Performance Constraints
- Authors: Xiaobo Xia, Jiale Liu, Shaokun Zhang, Qingyun Wu, Hongxin Wei,
Tongliang Liu
- Abstract summary: Coreset selection is powerful in reducing computational costs and accelerating data processing for deep learning algorithms.
We propose an innovative method, which maintains optimization priority order over the model performance and coreset size.
Empirically, extensive experiments confirm its superiority, often yielding better model performance with smaller coreset sizes.
- Score: 69.27190330994635
- License:
- Abstract: Coreset selection is powerful in reducing computational costs and
accelerating data processing for deep learning algorithms. It strives to
identify a small subset from large-scale data, so that training only on the
subset practically performs on par with full data. Practitioners regularly
desire to identify the smallest possible coreset in realistic scenes while
maintaining comparable model performance, to minimize costs and maximize
acceleration. Motivated by this desideratum, for the first time, we pose the
problem of refined coreset selection, in which the minimal coreset size under
model performance constraints is explored. Moreover, to address this problem,
we propose an innovative method, which maintains optimization priority order
over the model performance and coreset size, and efficiently optimizes them in
the coreset selection procedure. Theoretically, we provide the convergence
guarantee of the proposed method. Empirically, extensive experiments confirm
its superiority compared with previous strategies, often yielding better model
performance with smaller coreset sizes.
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