Perspectives of running self-consistent DMFT calculations for strongly
correlated electron systems on noisy quantum computing hardware
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- Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:05:31 GMT
- Title: Perspectives of running self-consistent DMFT calculations for strongly
correlated electron systems on noisy quantum computing hardware
- Authors: Jannis Ehrlich and Daniel Urban and Christian Els\"asser
- Abstract summary: We present a QC approach to solve a two-site DMFT model based on the Variationalsolver (VQE) algorithm.
We discuss the challenges arising from Hilbert errors and suggest a means to overcome unphysical features in the self-energy.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) is one of the powerful computatioinal
approaches to study electron correlation effects in solid-state materials and
molecules. Its practical applicability is, however, limited by the exponential
growth of the many-particle Hilbert space with the number of considered
electronic orbitals. Here, the possibility of a one-to-one mapping between
electronic orbitals and the state of a qubit register suggests a significant
computational advantage for the use of a Quantum Computer (QC) for solving DMFT
models. In this work we present a QC approach to solve a two-site DMFT model
based on the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm. We discuss the
challenges arising from stochastic errors and suggest a means to overcome
unphysical features in the self-energy. We thereby demonstrate the feasibility
to obtain self-consistent results of the two-site DMFT model based on VQE
simulations with a finite number of shots. We systematically compare results
obtained on simulators with calculations on the IBMQ Ehningen QC hardware.
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