Horizon brightened accelerated radiation in the background of braneworld
black holes
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2311.13557v1
- Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 18:00:53 GMT
- Title: Horizon brightened accelerated radiation in the background of braneworld
black holes
- Authors: Ashmita Das, Soham Sen and Sunandan Gangopadhyay
- Abstract summary: horizon brightened acceleration radiation (HBAR) has brought to us a distinct mechanism of particle production in curved spacetime.
We study the transition probability of the atom due to the atom-field interaction and the associated HBAR entropy.
We observe an important feature that the wavelengths of HBAR corresponding to the Schwarzschild and the BBH, deviate from each other depending on their masses.
- Score: 0.11704154007740832
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The concept of horizon brightened acceleration radiation (HBAR) has brought
to us a distinct mechanism of particle production in curved spacetime. In this
manuscript we examine the HBAR phenomena for a braneworld black hole (BBH)
which emerges as an effective theory in our $(3+1)$ dimensional universe due to
the higher dimensional gravitational effects. Despite being somewhat similar to
the Reissner-Nordstr$\ddot{\rm o}$m solution in general relativity, the BBH is
unique with respect to its charge term which is rather the tidal charge. In
this background, we study the transition probability of the atom due to the
atom-field interaction and the associated HBAR entropy. Both the quantities
acquire modifications over the standard Schwarzschild results and turn out to
be the function of the tidal charge. This modifications appear solely due to
the bulk gravitational effects as induced on the 3-brane. Studying the Wien's
displacement, we observe an important feature that the wavelengths of HBAR
corresponding to the Schwarzschild and the BBH, deviate from each other
depending on their masses. This deviation is found to be more pronounced for
the mass values slightly greater or comparable to the Planck mass.
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