論文の概要: Can SAM recognize crops? Quantifying the zero-shot performance of a
semantic segmentation foundation model on generating crop-type maps using
satellite imagery for precision agriculture
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2311.15138v1
- Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 23:40:09 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-11-28 19:10:37.269340
- Title: Can SAM recognize crops? Quantifying the zero-shot performance of a
semantic segmentation foundation model on generating crop-type maps using
satellite imagery for precision agriculture
- Title(参考訳): SAMは作物を認識できますか?
- Authors: Rutuja Gurav, Het Patel, Zhuocheng Shang, Ahmed Eldawy, Jia Chen, Elia
Scudiero, Evangelos Papalexakis
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,Meta AIのSegment Anything Model(SAM)の作物マップ予測機能について検討する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 4.825257766966091
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Climate change is increasingly disrupting worldwide agriculture, making
global food production less reliable.To tackle the growing challenges in
feeding the planet, cutting-edge management strategies, such as precision
agriculture, empower farmers and decision-makers with rich and actionable
information to increase the efficiency and sustainability of their farming
practices.Crop-type maps are key information for decision-support tools but are
challenging and costly to generate.We investigate the capabilities of Meta AI's
Segment Anything Model (SAM) for crop-map prediction task, acknowledging its
recent successes at zero-shot image segmentation.However, SAM being limited to
up-to 3 channel inputs and its zero-shot usage being class-agnostic in nature
pose unique challenges in using it directly for crop-type mapping.We propose
using clustering consensus metrics to assess SAM's zero-shot performance in
segmenting satellite imagery and producing crop-type maps.Although direct
crop-type mapping is challenging using SAM in zero-shot setting, experiments
reveal SAM's potential for swiftly and accurately outlining fields in satellite
images, serving as a foundation for subsequent crop classification.This paper
attempts to highlight a use-case of state-of-the-art image segmentation models
like SAM for crop-type mapping and related specific needs of the agriculture
industry, offering a potential avenue for automatic, efficient, and
cost-effective data products for precision agriculture practices.
- Abstract(参考訳): Climate change is increasingly disrupting worldwide agriculture, making global food production less reliable.To tackle the growing challenges in feeding the planet, cutting-edge management strategies, such as precision agriculture, empower farmers and decision-makers with rich and actionable information to increase the efficiency and sustainability of their farming practices.Crop-type maps are key information for decision-support tools but are challenging and costly to generate.We investigate the capabilities of Meta AI's Segment Anything Model (SAM) for crop-map prediction task, acknowledging its recent successes at zero-shot image segmentation.However, SAM being limited to up-to 3 channel inputs and its zero-shot usage being class-agnostic in nature pose unique challenges in using it directly for crop-type mapping.We propose using clustering consensus metrics to assess SAM's zero-shot performance in segmenting satellite imagery and producing crop-type maps.Although direct crop-type mapping is challenging using SAM in zero-shot setting, experiments reveal SAM's potential for swiftly and accurately outlining fields in satellite images, serving as a foundation for subsequent crop classification.This paper attempts to highlight a use-case of state-of-the-art image segmentation models like SAM for crop-type mapping and related specific needs of the agriculture industry, offering a potential avenue for automatic, efficient, and cost-effective data products for precision agriculture practices.
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